I'm starting to play Xbox more often and I'm trying to figure if I wanna get a more expensive controller with the paddles on the back or not. Any suggestions?
Is there any games like subnautica that are out? I like Subnautica don't get me wrong but I've finished both games. So are there any games similar to it?
@Gamer Boi I mean I have a curved C30 Ultrawide Sceptre monitor and it's been great for 2 years now. I like curved monitors a lot. I heard Sceptre was pretty reliable from my friends.
@Chickenisking 08 Sceptre is always a great affordable solution. Soon we will release X3A Kits that will come with everything you need to get gaming. PC monitors cables tables
Yō what's better the hyper or the beam 3 cause the hyper is like 200 dollars more then the beam 3 and I don't know if it's worth extra 200 dollars more
How would I get better at games? Should I watch more tutorials or just try gaming more?
Are there any youtubers that have really good tutorials for gaming?
I'm starting to play Xbox more often and I'm trying to figure if I wanna get a more expensive controller with the paddles on the back or not. Any suggestions?
Any suggestions on LED lights for the back of my Monitor?
Are there any new games out right now that anyone suggests? I'm pretty bored of my other games and need something more fun.
Is there any other games like overwatch out there? Because Overwatch is getting a little boring right now for me.
Is there any other games like overwatch out there? Because Overwatch is getting a little boring right now for me.
Is there any games like subnautica that are out? I like Subnautica don't get me wrong but I've finished both games. So are there any games similar to it?
What mouses are the most reliable? I play cod a lot and my mouse isn't the greatest. So what would you guys suggest I use?
What monitors would you guys recommend? I like bigger monitors but I don't know what brands would be the most reliable.
What kind of games do yall play cause I can't find any games that are competitive enough for me.
Yō what's better the hyper or the beam 3 cause the hyper is like 200 dollars more then the beam 3 and I don't know if it's worth extra 200 dollars more